Friday, October 17, 2014

BRAND New Messy Bessies ARTplates Layered Templates 30% OFF PLUS Coupon Deal!

I am really excited!! I have just come out with a line of templates...well scratch that ..they are ARTplates! Yes!! Ever wonder just how they do it? Make those creatively arty, mixed media, art journal pages??? Well wonder no more!!! I have SIX brand new ARTplates in my store today on SALE 30% OFF! (You can also purchase them individually at 20% OFF!) And wait!! I have teamed up with Dana's Footprint Designs our CT's both worked with her new kit "Love Letters" and my two Messy Bessies ARTplate Bundles 1 & 2 and the results were absolutely STUNNING!!! So...we thought you all would enjoy both of these sooo if you purchase one (or both!) of my new Messy Bessies ARTplates Bundle 1 or 2 you will receive a coupon for an ADDITIONAL 10% OFF Dana's Footprint's "Love Letters" KIT OR BUNDLE (it is ON SALE for 30% OFF!)  You can check out her kit HERE ----->  and you can shop for my new ARTplates (I even have Halloween ones!) HERE ----->

Check out these amazing pages created by both of our CTs!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can create short urls with Shortest and get dollars from every click on your short urls.


Blog Makeover by Sarah Bryan using digital supplies by 2 Curly Headed Monsters Designs.