I am really excited!! I have just come out with a line of
templates...well scratch that ..they are ARTplates! Yes!! Ever wonder just how
they do it? Make those creatively arty, mixed media, art journal pages??? Well
wonder no more!!! I have SIX brand new ARTplates in my store today on SALE 30%
OFF! (You can also purchase them individually at 20% OFF!) And wait!! I have
teamed up with Dana's Footprint Designs our CT's both worked with her new kit
"Love Letters" and my two Messy Bessies ARTplate Bundles 1 & 2
and the results were absolutely STUNNING!!! So...we thought you all would enjoy
both of these sooo if you purchase one (or both!) of my new Messy Bessies
ARTplates Bundle 1 or 2 you will receive a coupon for an ADDITIONAL 10% OFF
Dana's Footprint's "Love Letters" KIT OR BUNDLE (it is ON SALE for
30% OFF!) You can check out her kit HERE
-----> http://bit.ly/Danasfootprintdd
and you can shop for my new ARTplates (I even have Halloween ones!) HERE
-----> http://bit.ly/K4MgQL
Check out these amazing pages created by both of our CTs!

Did you know that you can create short urls with Shortest and get dollars from every click on your short urls.